Sunday, January 25, 2009
Break out the glow sticks
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Welcome #44
Madeleine Albright's letter to the new President
Transcript of Obama's speech
On a musical note, Yo-Yo Ma and Itzhak Perlman provided an amazing soundtrack. As per my original concern of "how the heck do you tune those things in 17 degree weather," the musicians played to a recording - now bringing the total of "things that Yo-Yo Ma and Ashlee Simpson have in common" to a whopping two (the other being that they both do Hip-Hop Abs. Got to keep lean.)
Finally, if you want the soup-to-nuts insanity that is the press coverage of this event, check this out. Political cyber stalking at it's finest!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Thank you Martin

It's MLK day so I figured I would try to reflect on that particular topic. The fact is that, tomorrow morning, Barack Obama will become the first African-American president. Whatever side of the metaphorical political fence you fall on, it's a big deal.
So I would like to think that I enjoy all types and styles of music. I can find something redeeming in almost every song and discard any type of snobbery that may be associated with a band "selling out" or "getting too big." In fact, I would dare to say I "love" music. It, and peanut butter, are what sustain me in life.
Accordingly, I try to stay on the front lines of new bands and new music. Although my little blog here pales in comparison to more legit blogs, but I thought I would throw my hat into the virtual ring.
I tend to try to keep things simple because my brain can only handle so much stimuli. So this blog is just that - simple. I'll try to put up some music that means something in particular moments in my world. Maybe some tidbits in here about items I feel that have any other type of cultural or social relevance.
Realistically, I know many folks won't read or care to read this. It will, if anything else, selfishly provide me with some bookmarks to look at on at a later point. I could use a pen and paper, but this requires me to burn more calories. I have a body image problem.